Pro bono centrum Pro bono aliance

For nonprofit organizations


Why to join the Pro Bono Centre programme?


In case of joining the programme of the PBC, your NGO will have the opportunity to file requests for mediation of pro bono legal services. Employees of the PBC shall endeavour to find a suitable law firm capable of providing pro bono assistance.



Requests for legal services may vary, for example:


Legal assistance for your clients in all legal branches:

  • family law (divorces, property settlements, community property of spouses etc.)
  • labour law (discrimination, letters of resignation, employment relationship etc.)
  • executionary law (motion to discontinue execution of judgement, unlawfully enforced executions etc.)
  • law of contracts (drafting and revision of contracts, contract of donation and contract of sale, asserting guarantee etc.)
  • inheritance law (drafting testaments, disinheritance, probate proceedings etc.)
  • law of obligations (compensation of damages, unjust enrichment, tenancy etc.)
  • civil law (civil action, protection of personal rights, legal capacity to act, rights of individuals)
  • criminal law (assisting the injured)
  • administrative law (expropriation, hearing of an administrative delict, asylum, citizenship etc.)
  • environmental law (immissions, public contracts etc.)
  • etc.


- representing your clients at courts of all levels (district, regional, high, supreme)

- representing your clients at the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic or at the ECHR

- consulting cases that you are occupied with



Legal assistance for your NGO in technical matters:

  • labour law counselling (non-compete clauses, notices of dismissal, volunteers etc.)
  • assisting with creation or revision of articles of association, drawing up contracts, tax advice
  • registering associations in public registers
  • changing legal form of an NGO
  • comparative legal research
  • preparation of legal analyses
  • litigation at the ECHR (legal research, drawing up complaints, amicus curiae briefs etc.)
  • etc.


Who can join the Pro Bono Centre’s programme?


Non-governmental organizations (associations, generally benevolent societies, religious legal entities) that fulfil generally beneficial goals, notably the protection of human rights and other public interests or the provision of social services for socially disadvantaged groups, can join the Pro Bono Centre’s programme.



How to join?


The system can only be used by NGOs that have officially enrolled by giving a written consent with the Pro Bono Centre’s conditions. You can consult the conditions here.


Please feel free to contact us in case of any unclearness.



How to request the mediation of legal services?


Only cooperating NGOs can request the mediation of pro bono legal services.



Assistance for NGO’s clients


Following conditions have to be met if the pro bono legal service is to be mediated:

  • the request must have a legal merit
  • the client must be dispossessed (cannot afford assistance of an attorney at law)
  • the client’s case can actually be solved (statutory and judicial time-limits have not lapsed yet)


PBC cannot accept requests that have to be solved in 3 weeks or less, this period of time is usually insufficient for providing a quality solution.


If all the conditions are met then you need to send us a web request, which can be found here.


Along with the request we require you to send us, via e-mail or by post, at the address Londýnská 31, 120 00 Praha 2, an affidavit regarding your client’s property and income conditions, which can be found here.


Coordinator of the Pro Bono Centre’s programme shall, upon receiving your request, send you a confirmation e-mail regarding the request’s acceptance. He or she will afterwards inform you about the progression of your request.


If you do not receive the confirmation e-mail within two weeks at the latest then please contact the project’s coordinator via phone. In case of coordinator’s inactivity it is possible that we did not receive your request.



Assistance for NGOs


Request for the mediation of pro bono legal services for NGO is filed via web request, which can be found here.


If you do not know how to proceed in completing the web request or are not sure about an answer to one of the questions mentioned above, please contact the coordinator of the Pro Bono Centre.


Important reminder: There is no claim to legal assistance in the pro bono programme. It is possible that due to the specific circumstances of the case no attorney, capable of providing legal assistance, can be found.




Pro bono centrum je programem Pro bono aliance